Celebrating Lorne Riding

Lorne Riding at the groundbreaking ceremony for Callaghan Plaza

Lorne Riding at the groundbreaking ceremony for Callaghan Plaza

On December 28th, 2014 one of our most beloved directors, Lorne Riding passed away suddenly after a lengthy illness.

Lorne was a tireless supporter and leader for both RMACL and the Ridge Meadows community at large. An RMACL Foundation Board Member since 1998 and a Society Board Member since 1994, he held numerous positions including that of Chair.  Lorne was a thoughtful leader with a good business acumen that was overshadowed only by his colorful sense of humor and even greater sense of compassion and commitment to helping others.

Many RMACL families and individuals will have fond memories of Lorne at Special Olympic events and the tremendous amount of time he devoted to organizing the games and graciously ensuring all athletes had a welcoming place to participate and have fun.

The contributions of Lorne and the countless number of people he supported both directly and indirectly cannot be measured.  We will miss him immensely and trust that his example of simple philanthropy and genuine compassion will inspire others to do the same.  We offer our condolences to Lorne’s wife and family and sincerely thank them for sharing this wonderful man with us.

Read about Lorne and his many accomplishments in the Maple Ridge Times Newspaper article.

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